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Sermons in Glass - Louis Comfort Tiffany

Long ago, someone once said these windows “are sermons in themselves.”  The exquisite beauty and craftsmanship of

Louis Comfort Tiffany’s windows can be seen in every major window of the sanctuary.  The collection at Park Church is a tribute not only to the skill of the artist, but also to the perseverance of earlier church members who commissioned them at the turn of the twentieth century.


This single theme depicts scenes from the life of Jesus in a series of twelve windows, a project quite rare for a church of any size, but especially for a church in a town only 65 years from its founding.  The women who undertook this project, determined and convincing, raised the funds window by window, so that by 1912, the entire grouping was completed.  Additional windows were added over the years, including the 1927 Angels of Praise.


The photo credit for these images belongs to Bruce Robey.

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