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The Children

Click the image above for the latest edition of Kidz News!


Contact person:  Gloria Eckert


Babies spend the worship service hour in rooms designed especially for them, with at least two trained caregivers.


Toddlers who have reached the age of 18 months to 4 years of age are welcomed into the Little Lambs room. They engage in a program led by two teachers which includes Bible stories, songs, games, and art activities all based on that day’s story. Toddlers also receive a snack.


Children who are four years of age and older begin their Sundays by attending the worship service with their families. After a Children’s Moment during the service, the children leave the sanctuary with their teachers to participate in their own Worship Centers.


Used in churches nationwide, these Worship Centers use Montessori-like teaching methods.The children participate in response activities to express what they have learned through art, music, and even telling the story themselves. 


Rather than requiring children to learn answers to questions, this curriculum strives to help children experience the presence of God. Teachers and helpers receive ongoing training in the presentation of their lessons.


Once or twice a year, the children and their teachers plan a service project.These projects help to connect the children with the church’s wider mission.


Visit our Worship Centers page here on Facebook!


Middle and High Schoolers

Contact person:  Gregg Hampshire


Middle School curriculum teaches about “words of faith." It’s a three year curriculum and each lesson is another word to help build understanding of our faith tradition, while assisting the youth to make their own decisions about their faith.


High School youth have class during worship, participate as adults in worship, and volunteer in the children’s worship centers on a rotating basis. Meeting days and classes vary throughout the year. Contact Gregg Hampshire (above) for more information.


Youth group is for both middle school and high school aged youth. These gatherings consist primarily of fun, active adventures that serve to bond the group together and teach broader lessons of our faith. This is a great time to bring friends along to introduce them to our youth group and get them involved with Park Church!


Confirmation is the rite of the church where we invite teenagers to go through a program of learning, practice, and mentorship to decide for themselves whether they would like to confirm the faith of their baptism.


Upon confirming their faith, youth become adult members of the church. Confirmation instruction is offered by prior arrangement.

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